Colleen Rae Goos


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John Mattson: You knew what you wanted, then worked long and hard to meet the goals you set for yourself to get there. You did it! I knew you would, and I couldn't be prouder!

Robert Boyd: Great job, Colleen, and good luck!

Colleen Rae Goos

The degree of

Master of Library and Information Science

Virtual Convocation


Current residence: Camano Island, WA, US

I wanted to earn a masters degree because:

I wanted to expand my knowledge of the various aspects of the library and information field. I have enjoyed working in a public library but I hope to expand into other types of libraries as well as non-traditional positions. That said it was also personal quest to prove to myself that I could graduate from a Master's program that provides intellectual stimulation and interest. Finally I hope to give back to my community and a MLIS provides me with a path to do so.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My husband was there for the moments I received each "A" as well as those times that I felt I would not get through a project. He would then hug me and tell me "I told you so" when I earned an "A" for it. Our 24 year old daughter also cheered me on as did my father, sisters, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law. Coworkers and my supervisors were supportive of me throughout my studies and were excited to hear my enthusiasm for what I was learning. Finally numerous friends from high school were there for me on in Facebook.<br /> <br />

While in the program, I met classmates from:

I met people from as far away as Europe and Asia, but also as close as 25 miles away from me. I was always excited to meet people from my state since we had favorite places in common. Of course as a Social Science major for my BA, I enjoy meeting and learning about people from all walks of life.

What I liked best about online learning was:

I enjoyed the online interaction with professors and classmates that I would not get otherwise as a very introverted and shy person.

What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:

SJSU's School of Information provided me with intellectual challenges and held my interest. Professors worked with me to ensure that I understood the concepts in each course.

I plan to use my degree to:

I would love to have a position that would combine my my skills using library and government resources, beyond what is freely available on the internet, with research in the medical field. Both subjects have personal meaning for me as a Type 1 Diabetic.<br /> <br /> I would also like to use my skills gained at SJSU to volunteer for and assist with the research needs of non-profit groups such as T1 International, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and more.

Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:

Commencement and moving forward with my employment.