Chelsea Swinford-Johantges


Alyce Scott: Congratulations, Chelsea - and best wishes for much continued success!

David Carmichael: Congratz, Chelsea!! So proud to call you my sister!

Mom: Woo hoo! Congratulations! Real life starts now. I love you. And good luck in the future

Maddy: Congratulations Chelsea on graduating! You'll rock the new job too!

Bailey S.-C.: Congratulations, Chelsea! And now you have exactly the job you’ve always wanted!

Nadine: I'm so proud of you, Chelsea! Congrats!!

Alec: Congratulations!

Danny: I’m so proud of you, best friend! You’ve been wanting this for so long and it’s finally here! Now you have no excuse to miss runs anymore, I’ll see you on a marathon course someday!

Paisley: Great Job, Chelsea!

Chelsea Swinford-Johantges

The degree of

Master of Library and Information Science

Virtual Convocation


Current residence: Florence, KY, US

I wanted to earn a masters degree because:

I started working in libraries when I was 16, and I had traveled as far as I could on that career path without my MLIS.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

my partner, my family, and my awesome co-workers!

Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:

starting my new role as a Youth Services Librarian at my system's newest branch. I just started yesterday!