Heather Leanna Neilsen




Alyce Scott: Congratulations, Heather - and best wishes for much continued success!

Mark : Great job im prou of you

Mark: Proud*

Vonnie Jeffers: Congratulations Heather!

Tracey ElvisWeitzel : Congratulations!

Heather Leanna Neilsen

The degree of

Master of Library and Information Science

Virtual Convocation


Current residence: Conway, SC, US

I wanted to earn a masters degree because:

It would open up so many more career opportunities for me in the field of Library and Information Science. Plus, I love books!

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My greatest supporters were my boyfriend, Mark McDonough, my parents John and Kathy Neilsen, and my cousin and best friend Lindsey Almanza.

While in the program, I met classmates from:

From all over. I moved across the country (from California to South Carolina) half way through my schooling and no matter where I lived, whether in California or South Carolina, there were students who lived nearby.

What I liked best about online learning was:

I liked that, for the most part, I could move at my own pace. While it was more challenging in many ways (i.e. maintaining my own schedule), I was able to complete schoolwork almost anywhere. As a result, I had the opportunity to travel while still finishing up school work.

What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:

I enjoyed the opportunity to learn from some experts already in the field. I feel that this was an excellent opportunity for me and I gained some great insight from what professors passed on to students.

I plan to use my degree to:

Well, I already have an excellent position as a Reference Librarian. However, my specific area of interest is Archives and Records. I would really like to pursue something in that specific field.

Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:

Catching up on all my reading, knitting, and video games. I've been given some excellent suggestions for reading materials and I can't wait to dive in... I just have to decide where to start.