Alyce Scott:
Congratulations, Heather - and best wishes for much continued success!
The degree of
Master of Library and Information Science
Virtual Convocation
Current residence: Loveland, OH, US
I wanted to earn a masters degree because:
I wanted a new career path in public librarianship.
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
My family and friends, especially my mother, Judi Osborn, and my close friends Mackenzie Walton and Lindsey Faber.
While in the program, I met classmates from:
All over! While I thought online classes might be insular, group work, zoom meetings and Google hangouts allowed me to meet people all over the US, and I attended classes with people in Europe and Asia as well.
What I liked best about online learning was:
Being able to study, read, and listen to lectures on my own time. It was nice to do schoolwork at a time that worked for me, rather than a time designated by the school. As long as I met required deadlines, the rest was at my discretion.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:
Being able to sharpen my studying and writing skills. At 15 years post-Bachelor's degree, I was nervous about returning to the academic world, but SJSU made it fun and easy, from INFO 203, which refreshed my online skills and taught me how to use Canvas, to other courses that pushed me to create videos and recorded content, SJSU definitely improved my tech skills among others.
I plan to use my degree to:
Work in the public library field. My dream job would be to utilize my knowledge of programming and events planning as a community events planner in a public library.
Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:
Alyce Scott: Congratulations, Heather - and best wishes for much continued success!