Sophia N. Kirtsopoulos


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Domna Kirtsopoulos: I am very proud of my daughter, she never gives up! Love Mom

Tino Kirtsopoulos: Congratulations, Sophia! You are awesome!

Junia Yasenov: Congratulations Archivist!! You did it with style!! Love you!! Junia

Bob Lucore : Congratulations, Sophia. It has been gratifying to watch you succeed at the iSchool!

Melissa Shaw: May you find a position at a museum archives that you are passionate about! Also wishing you success on the ACA and RM certicifications exams!

Jessica Berger: Congratulations Sophia! You're a gift to us all and a very gifted archivist! Love you!! Jess

Dr Lisa Daulby: Sophia, I am so proud of you! You are an amazing student! It has been a pleasure being part of your academic journey! Yahooo & Congratulations - Big Hugs!!!!

Christine Mazzello : Sophia- You have worked so hard to get yourself where you are today, and you are now an official Archivist! It’s been fun struggling through school with you, and I am so glad we became friends! Congratulations!!!

Dr. Pat Franks: Hi Sophia, Congratulations on attaining your MARA degree--and being the first to post to this site! You will be hearing from me about the CRA and CRM in the near future. You're well on your way to both, and the CA exam should be a breeze. Good luck to you wherever life takes you--but be sure to keep in touch.

Alyce Scott: Congratulations, Sophia - and best wishes for much continued success!!

Sophia N. Kirtsopoulos

The degree of

Master of Archives and Records Administration

Virtual Convocation


Current residence: Port Richey, FL, US

I wanted to earn a masters degree because:

I felt the Master in Archives and Records Administration would compliment my undergraduate degree in history and help in community level preservation and outreach.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

Family, friends and professors gave me flight and allowed me to soar to new heights of confidence within the MARA program. I am very fortunate to have made new friends in Jessica Berger, Junia Yasenov and Christine Mazzello. I thank all of my Facebook friends and Gail for encouraging me on. To the power of thumbs up and hearts...I Love You All!

While in the program, I met classmates from:

California, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, and Canada. I can't forget my SAA mentor from Egypt.

What I liked best about online learning was:

The ability to frame responses and retain them in classroom discussions.

What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:

Collaborating with fellow classmates on group projects was both challenging and exciting. I also enjoyed learning Content dm, Preservica, SharePoint and creating my own website!

I plan to use my degree to:

Working in a museum archive is the dream and to reach that goal, I'd like to intern at a local library's archive to gain valuable experience.

Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:

Passing my certification in archives and also the certified records managers