It's always been a dream to have a masters and I love libraries. I also wanted a stable career and to show my daughter a positive role model who achieved her goals, even if it was later in life.
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
My family! My husband was really supportive and my daughter was very patient while I completed assignments. My parents also babysat quite a bit and I don't think I could have completed the program without their help!
While in the program, I met classmates from:
All over the world. It was great to hear their perspectives and experiences in our discussion boards. It really enriched the learning environment to have people to work with from different areas.
What I liked best about online learning was:
The flexibility to take classes and complete assignments on my own time. I had a young daughter and I worked full-time, so I need school to fit around my schedule.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:
The classes and instructors. I really enjoyed everything I learned and I had great instructors. The classes were well designed and the instructors were very responsive.
I plan to use my degree to:
Continue my career in an academic library. I hope to someday work as a Student Success or First-Year Success librarian. I love helping students in higher education achieve their goals and learn new skills.
Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:
Relaxing at night ;) It's been wonderful to spend my nights and weekends as I wish, without planning around homework. I know my daughter enjoys having more attention too!
Gillian Takamaru: Congratulations, Toni!