Vincent G Hatcher


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Heidi Gans: Congratulations, Vinnie!!!!

Anthony Bernier: We'll always have 285, Vincent! Just remember, it's not about us; it's about _them_.

Alyce Scott: Congratulations, Vincent - and best wishes for much continued success!

Tony Hatcher: Great

Tony Hatcher: I knew you could do it. I am proud of you.

Michael Stephens: Congrats to you! Glad to work with you on the portfolio! :-) Wishing you the best for the where the future takes you.

Vincent G Hatcher

The degree of

Master of Library and Information Science

Virtual Convocation


Current residence: Reno, NV, US

I wanted to earn a masters degree because:

Libraries have always been a refuge, and it felt only natural that I pursue a degree that would allow me to spend my career learning and helping others do the same.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My parents and family, who always believed I would find my way and career I would love. My boyfriend Dustin (I love you, babe!), who kept me caffeinated and motivated. All of my friends and extended family, especially Zoe, Scott, Becky G, Heidi, Molly, and Jiil (who I spent way too many Sundays agonizing over the admissions process). Finally, to my furbabies: Michief, Stirling, and Nala, for keeping me full of kitty cuddles and purrs during all of my time on the computer for school.

While in the program, I met classmates from:

Up and down the West Coast, the East Coast, and everywhere in between! I got to work with so many different people from places in the country I had never been to, and from all walks of life. Working with my classmates on group projects taught me so much and gifted me with the beginnings of a network of colleagues across the country.

What I liked best about online learning was:

The ability to weave it in and around working full time. I could not afford to only go to school, and the asynchronous online setup granted me the flexibility I needed to do school on my own terms, at my own pace, with reasonable deadlines. I would never have been able to complete in the time that I did otherwise!

What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:

Discovering more about myself and my passion for knowledge and learning. When I started this program, I wasn't sure that I was qualified. I learned that I was not only qualified but that I absolutely loved the material! Over the past few years, I have continually come to confirmation that this is the right path for me.

I plan to use my degree to:

My dream? I would absolutely love to become a Digital Asset Manager or on-site librarian at my favorite video game company, Blizzard Entertainment. That aside, I plan to use my degree to bring the joy of knowledge, information, learning, and reading to whatever community I decide to call home.

Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:

Finally completing the backlog of video games I have built up while in school! And all of the leisure reading I need to catch up on!