I had many years experience in museum operations but was interested in library work. I enrolled in preparatory courses at Cuesta College in order to gain an understanding of the profession. I really enjoyed the courses and decided to continue my studies through graduate school in the hopes of entering the library profession.
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
Lisa and Jeffrey, and all my family and friends, particularly my 9th and California neighbors! Thank you for listening to me...particularly when I was working on the Competencies!
While in the program, I met classmates from:
Throughout California in my course groups, and Europe in group discussions.
What I liked best about online learning was:
The flexibility, both in terms of geography and material accessibility. I was able to enroll in SJSU even through I do not live the San José area. I also had great teachers who do not live close by. Throughout my program, modules were usually posted on Monday; however, I was not always able to watch them in their entirety on that day and so appreciated the ability to access the material at any time.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at the SJSU School of Information was:
Learning! The instructors were always interesting and the material thought provoking. Through the course projects, I strengthened my writing and researching skills. I enjoyed the course discussions and hearing other students' opinions on the course topics.
I plan to use my degree to:
Find a job in the library field, particularly as it relates to Indigenous and/or archival collections.
Now that I have completed the program, I'm most looking forward to:
Being an active member of the information sciences community.
Cellin Gluck: Congratulations, Master Greenwood!