Dr. Sandy Hirsh

Associate Dean, College of Professional and Global Education

Hi everyone.

On behalf of the College of Professional and Global Education, I bring greetings and congratulations from Interim Dean, Mike Meth, who's not able to join us today. I am currently serving as Associate
Dean for Academics in the college, and I previously served as the Director of the School of Information for 10 years.

And it gives me great pleasure to be here today on behalf of the Dean's Office to congratulate the graduates of the School of Information. Through your course of study in the School of Information, you have all gained a deep understanding of how information can be applied to address some of the world's most challenging problems, and you have gained the skills and knowledge that will enable you to make a difference in your communities.

I congratulate the School of Information's outstanding master's degree students who are graduating with their MLIS, MARA, and Informatics degrees, those who've completed their teacher librarian programs and certificate programs, and also the iSchool's undergraduate students who are completing their BS in Information Science and Data Analytics. While today we are celebrating the end
of one segment of your career journey, it is also just the first step in what we know will be a rewarding, inspiring, and impactful future.

I am excited to see what the future holds for you and I know that you will go on to achieve great things.

Congratulations and best luck on your next adventure.