Amy Jean Hakanson


Jean Hakanson: I am so proud of all that you have accomplished! Your Masters Degree and the job as a Public Librarian even before you finished your Masters Degree!

Sara Hakanson: You are now part of the exclusive Masters club! All your hard work and dedication have paid off. I could not be more proud of you and all you have accomplished! The smartest and most talented Master around!

Lisa Justice: You are amazing and the world is so lucky to have as thoughtful and dedicated a librarian as you!

Lynn M Justice: Your hard work and perseverance has truly paid off. I do admire your commitment to this masters program and all the hard work you put into everything you do. I’m excited to see what the future holds for you as you move into your new position. You are an amazing librarian!

Amy Jean Hakanson

The degree of

Master of Library and Information Science

Virtual Convocation


Current residence: Hayward, CA, US

I wanted to earn a masters degree because:

I wanted to earn my masters degree to become a Public Librarian.

While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:

My family and friends!

I plan to use my degree to:

Further my career in Public Librarianship.